
Tree Plantation

Nature has given me more than I deserve. I believe that until I give back something to my well-wisher my purpose of human existence is not served completely. As I have a keen interest in the beauty of the environment, I dedicate my leisure time towards the humanitarian act of adorning nature. In the pursuit of happiness, tranquility, bliss and serenity in this hustle-bustle of life always turn towards the mesmerizing beauty of nature.

Today’s mechanical world where techno savvy generation is racing with the time to be at the top has completely ignored their surroundings and has destroyed the environment. Industrial cities like Faridabad, the reason for environmental pollution are many medium and small-scale industries and factories. Keeping this thing in mind I decided to do something which can change the worldview of people residing here. I decided to cultivate a barren piece of land in Faridabad. After spending my leisure time in planting barren and deserted land for almost a decade, I am a proud owner of an enchanting green belt. I believe that it was the best initiative taken by me for the environment.

I also want to convey this message to the youth that they should plant and take care of at least one tree in their lifetime to protect the environment. In fact I always prefer to give a small plant to all my near and dear ones. It does not matter whether the time, place or situations are according to your requirements or not, all that matters is your dedication and power to do that work. I must say that the color green gives us inner peace and tranquility and for that we need to nurture our planet earth with care and love.